Friday, July 17, 2009

Key in ignition, chug chug chug (in a font that people can read !!)

Here's what I wrote - I could read it perfectly but I understand that you all thought I had either gone mad or was being VERY profound !!!

I've always been about ten years behind everyone ("Email, that will never catch on etc") and so it's with some trepidation and embarrassment that I sit down tonight to restart my Twitter account (which I said two nights ago on Facebook that I would never do) and start a blog. The idea of being allowed write all your random thoughts down and that people may even be interested in reading them is hugely novel to me (and they don't even have to rhyme which has always been my problem with lyrics). I may have to end up going on auto-pilot and it will just remain to be seen whether I am interesting or not.

Have spent some time this evening re-jigging my own website so this is why my head is on these things. Always up for a game of a Thursday evening, a good friend had suggested doing it and so we'll see how it goes.

Next week, I go to California. Not for a holiday you understand, but to play and sing music in 16 nursing homes over 10 days. I work occasionally with Serendipity Theatre Group founder Hedda Kaphengst and she has invited me to join her on this trip to bring the show we created for the Bealtaine Festival in May to Hollywood. My fair complexion will make suncream a must but I think I can survive. When I return, I start recording my third CD, a new proposition as this is the first CD I've gone to record that the music isn't composed yet although I guess I still have two weeks. I've always enjoyed the deadlines and I have some stuff we can start on even if the whole thing isn't ready for day 1.

So, a fun couple of weeks ahead. I have one more day of a music business course run by Music Network to complete tomorrow after which I should be ready to conquer the world with my music NOT. But I'm a hecck of a long way further than last Sunday evening.

see ya, josh


  1. It looked much more interesting last night but read much better tonight and was interesting in content too.
    You seem to be keeping really busy - you have a fantastic versitillity.
    I've still to do that difficult 3rd album and think next year is the year for 'Free as a breeze and fresh outta vitreol' - think it's about half written.
    first though - I'll learn how to spell better.

  2. oooo... come find me on Twitter! We can boggle at the minutae of each other's every day lives. Hurrah! :)
